Sleeping Beauty Mine Closure
We heard rumors that the Sleeping Beauty mine in Globe Arizona has closed, so we contacted the mine headquarters directly to get the real story. Unfortunately, the rumors are true. The mine has been closed to turquoise mining since august 2012. The owners of the mine decided to concentrate on copper mining only as the price of copper has risen significantly. There are no plans to open the mine up to turquoise mining in the future.
What is left of the Sleeping Beauty turquoise rough stones is going fast. Buyers from Europe and Asia are grabbing as much as they can get, resulting in a quickly diminishing inventory. Once it is gone, there is no more! This is bad news for Sleeping Beauty turquoise jewelry lovers. Because of this closure, jewelry with Sleeping Beauty turquoise settings just got more expensive. If you watch the television jewelry shows like QVC and HSN you already know the prices are going up.
We at LittleFeathers have a modest inventory of hand made Native American jewelry with Sleeping Beauty turquoise settings. Our prices on the existing inventory of these pieces will not change due to this closing. (Inventory acquired prior to the mine closing) However, any new pieces we make available, and we did manage to get some, will be priced based on the current market value. So……look now at our existing inventory and grab them while they are still available!!